
Do we do what we do in order to satisfy ourselves or the expectations of other people ? A good friend recently questioned why I live in the building where I live when I could live somewhere much "better" and representative of his perception of me. This made me question why I make the choices... Continue Reading →


At first I dismissed Netflix as just another portal for mindless Hollywood entertainment. A friend of mine shared his account with me and recommended I take a look. Of course there is plenty of mindless violence and cheap entertainment, but I also discovered some series that interested me. Netflix films its own material, and there... Continue Reading →


When I was a student, like many young people, I enjoyed listening to music. I always wanted loudspeakers from "Mission" for my hifi system but could never afford them so I settled for something less. Now, more than 30 years later, these loudspeakers are available for miniscule prices secondhand. Having acquired some, my passion for... Continue Reading →

The Weather

Have you ever noticed how people are obsessed with the weather ? In England this seems to be particularly prevalent. Maybe it's because of the propensity for the weather to change so quickly and to become "bad" at any moment, or maybe it is because of English politeness and avoidance of more controversial topics of... Continue Reading →


How "open" are you to ideas and experiences ? Do you suffer from binocular rivalry suppression ? Here is a great article on the subject: Scientific American

Levels of Consciousness

I copied this from the book "Power vs. Force" by David R. Hawkins Have a think about where you are on this scale and how to climb up it. I find it fascinating: "In describing the emotional correlates of the energy fields of consciousness, it is well to remember that they are rarely manifested as... Continue Reading →


Reiki is a form of "energy" believed to be present in the Universe. The technique of guiding this energy into another being or into an object was developed by Master Usui in Japan in the early 1920's. It is possible to learn how to do this even in the present day. The technique consists of... Continue Reading →


Couchsurfing is a system whereby people can request to stay in other people's homes free of charge, worldwide. It is not about saving money. It is about spreading peace and knowledge throughout the world in a non-judgmental way and without barriers of race, age, gender or anything else. Some of my friends find the idea... Continue Reading →

Help When Needed – Part 2

Here is my friend from Bangkok "testing the waters" of Chiangmai. After a very short period of deliberation he decided to move to Chiangmai and is now my neighbour ! The conversations continue 🙂  

Deserted House

Driving along a road in Northern Thailand Frank spotted this spooky deserted house. It is very old and made from wood. There seemed to be noone around to ask about it so we decided to investigate. Some people I know would advise not to go in there because of spirits and ghosts etc. but we... Continue Reading →

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